Remote Payment Solutions to Support You & Your Customers

Toronto, ON
Just wanted to send a quick note to say we understand you’re probably trying to figure out and put into place plans for dealing with the unprecedented situation we’re all currently in.
We know that many of you have had to close your offices and that one area that utilities are concerned about is how to safely receive payments given the social distancing requirements that are now in effect.
We’re here to help.
To keep you and your customers safe we offer several remote payment solutions. Your customers can pay virtually anytime, anywhere using debit, credit, e-check, cash, etc. via the following options:
- Customer Self-Service Portal
- Available on all devices such as smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc.
- Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
- Kiosk
For additional information contact:
(888) 355-7772 x4
For more information on Advanced and Infinity CIS ® please contact us at
About Advanced and Harris:
Advanced is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Harris Computer Systems that provides Customer Information and Billing solutions exclusively to municipal, investor owned and cooperative utilities. Harris is a leading provider of financial management and Customer Information Systems (CIS) software solutions. Since 1976, Harris has focused on providing feature-rich and robust turnkey solutions to all levels of local government as well as public power and water markets throughout North America. Harris’ focus is on creating long-term relationships with our customers and ensuring that we meet the changing needs of our customers over time. For further information on Harris Computer Systems, please visit our website at, or call 1-888-847-7747.