City of Missoula, Montana Successfully Completes Infinity CIS Version Upgrade

April 28, 2020 | Missoula, MT and Toronto, ON
Advanced assembled a great team to get us through our upgrade as painlessly as possible. We focused largely on testing rubrics of main features of the product, and custom requirements based on our specific environment and daily processes. In our weekly meetings, we would discuss our roadblocks that we had been tracking in their ticketing system, and decided which resource we needed to solve the problem. Dedication to rigorous, comprehensive testing and iterative configuration adjustment ultimately lead to our timely success.
— Andrew Blyzka, Software Developer, City of Missoula
- Customer Since: 2017
- Number of Accounts: 37,000
- Service: Water
Two of the biggest factors that contributes to our successful upgrade projects is our experience working with over 40 utilities to get them live on our latest version as well as the dedication and expertise of our team.
Advanced was with us every step of the way from start to finish. Every role, be it our project manager, technical consultant, or product trainer was attentive to our process and invested in our success. We started our upgrade process from a position that had lost significant institutional knowledge of the working parts of many of our daily processes within our CIS. Advanced helped us rediscover that knowledge and then some through training, a thorough inspection of our activities, and through comparison with other clients.
Although we have the financial backing of a large corporation, Advanced as an organization still retains the agility to provide customized, tailored service to our customers. Each of our version upgrade projects has a dedicated team of knowledgeable experts that ensures our customers are able to advantage of best practices and have a CIS system that fully reflects how they specifically do business.
— Executive Vice President, Advanced Utility Systems
With the latest version of Infinity CIS in place the City is looking forward to beginning their GIS integration and exploring other opportunities extended to them via our REST API to make their utility operations more seamless between multiple software platforms.
For additional information contact:
(888) 355-7772 x4
Andrew Blyzka, Software Developer
City of Missoula(406) 552-6779
For more information on Advanced and Infinity CIS ® please visit our website at or contact us at
About Advanced and Harris:
Advanced is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Harris Computer Systems that provides Customer Information and Billing solutions exclusively to municipal, investor owned and cooperative utilities. Harris is a leading provider of financial management and Customer Information Systems (CIS) software solutions. Since 1976, Harris has focused on providing feature-rich and robust turnkey solutions to all levels of local government as well as public power and water markets throughout North America. Harris’ focus is on creating long-term relationships with our customers and ensuring that we meet the changing needs of our customers over time. For further information on Harris Computer Systems, please visit our website at, or call 1-888-847-7747.