Infinity CIS helps the Town of Gilbert, AZ modernize their utility

March 31, 2021 | Gilbert, AZ and Toronto, ON
Gilbert is committed to becoming the City of the Future. Investing in new technology like Infinity CIS is one way to help us get there. Infinity CIS will allow our customer service team to communicate electronically with various departments within the Town and send service orders to field staff in real time. Most importantly, this new system will help us better serve the residents of Gilbert. Further, Infinity CIS has the flexibility we were looking for and will prepare us for moving to AMI functionality in the near future.
— Patrick Banger, Town Manager at Gilbert, AZ
- Customer Since: 2020
- Number of Accounts: 88,000
- Services: Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste
Infinity CIS, the industry-leading customer information and utility billing system by Advanced Utility Systems, facilitates communication between departments within the Town through extensive reporting capabilities, workflow automation and seamless integration to third-party solutions.
The Town is able to dispatch service orders to the field through our solution Infinity Field Workforce Management that integrates seamlessly with Infinity CIS and provides real-time scheduling, optimization, routing, dashboarding, AVL, GIS, dispatch and mobile communications.
Further, Infinity CIS helps drive improvements to the customer experience as it offers streamlined navigation to the information customer service representatives need for timely, first-call resolution. Added to this is the Town’s adoption of Infinity Customer Engagement Portal. This is another complementary solution to Infinity CIS. It allows utility customers to complete common self-service activities while also being empowered with personalized, actionable advice on how to save on their bills.
In addition, with the planned implementation of AMI functionality at the Town, Gilbert’s customers will be able to take advantage of Bill, Daily & Hourly Usage Charts, Chart & Data Downloads, a Price Plan Comparison Tool, Predicted Bill Dashboard Widget, Usage and Leak Alerts, Time-of-Use Rate Indicator and more that is available with Infinity.Link Enterprise.
In terms of future proofing and modernization, our solution will be cloud-hosted providing Gilbert with cost savings, scalability, business continuity and up-to-date security measures.
Infinity CIS also offers comprehensive functionality and adaptability as well as a consistent enhancement release program. This ensures that the Town’s customer service and utility billing needs will be supported no matter what the future holds.
The Town of Gilbert is a growing community and is the sixth‐largest municipality in Arizona. It is also the fifth‐largest municipality in the Metropolitan Phoenix Area.
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(888) 355-7772 x4
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About Advanced and Harris:
Advanced is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Harris Computer Systems that provides Customer Information and Billing solutions exclusively to municipal, investor owned and cooperative utilities. Harris is a leading provider of financial management and Customer Information Systems (CIS) software solutions. Since 1976, Harris has focused on providing feature-rich and robust turnkey solutions to all levels of local government as well as public power and water markets throughout North America. Harris’ focus is on creating long-term relationships with our customers and ensuring that we meet the changing needs of our customers over time. For further information on Harris Computer Systems, please visit our website at, or call 1-888-847-7747.