Revolutionizing Utility Billing: Unleashing the Power of the Cloud for a Secure, Dynamic Future.

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, utility companies face numerous decisions about keeping their community’s data safe. From ensuring robust security measures to obtaining qualified IT professionals, the need for innovative solutions is more pressing than ever. Moving your customer information and utility billing system (CIS/UB) to the cloud is one of those decisions that, if you haven’t considered it yet, you may have too soon. Here’s why.

1. Enhanced Security in the Cloud

Your CIS software holds personal data that you want to keep safe. And security is a top priority for your team. When you see on the news that bad actors have attacked another utility’s data or infrastructure, you’re thankful it wasn’t your servers or grid. But you must ask yourself, how long will your data be secure?

Cloud-based billing systems offer advanced security features, including encryption, regular updates, and real-time monitoring. These measures help protect sensitive customer data from cyber threats, ensuring compliance with industry regulations. So, if you’re losing sleep at night because you’re worried that someone is trying to steal your community’s data, then it might be time to move your CIS/UB to the cloud to take advantage of these advanced security features.

2. Addressing the Aging Workforce

The utility sector is experiencing a significant shift as many experienced professionals approach retirement. These seasoned CIS and utility billing veterans can do many of your daily, monthly, and yearly processes from memory. However, as these employees retire, they take a wealth of information with them, and often, many utilities hire two people to replace just one super user.

Moving your CIS to a cloud solution can help bridge this gap by automating routine tasks and providing user-friendly interfaces that require less specialized knowledge. With a new cloud-based technology stack, you can maintain efficiency even as your new team members get up to speed. And, your customers will benefit from your team being more efficient and having cloud-based services they can access when and where they want.

3. Overcoming Personnel Challenges

Finding the right personnel to manage traditional database systems can be challenging. Many utilities are fortunate to have IT professionals working for them who installed their first computers and servers. However, as these employees retire or get hired away with the promise of a larger salary, utilities are scrambling to maintain their technology stack.  

Cloud-based systems offer managed services and support, simplifying this process and reducing the need for in-house expertise. When you move your CIS to the cloud, you get a team of world-class cloud professionals working for you, enabling your team to focus on their core operations while relying on cloud providers for technical support.

4. Adapting to Technological Changes

The pace of technological change can be daunting, and many utilities are trying to keep up to keep their data safe. Cloud solutions are scalable and adaptable, allowing utility companies to integrate new technologies seamlessly. This flexibility ensures that utilities can stay ahead of industry trends and continue to provide reliable services to their customers.

Moving your utility billing to the cloud is not just a trend; it’s a strategic move toward a more secure, efficient, and adaptable future. By addressing concerns around security, workforce challenges, and technological advancements, utility companies can leverage the power of the cloud to transform their operations and better serve their customers.

Interested in moving your CIS/UB to the cloud? Contact our sales team for your demo of the CIS Infinity Cloud today!